Table Of ContentsΒΆ
API docs
- deeptime.base
- deeptime.clustering
- deeptime.sindy
- deeptime.covariance
- deeptime.decomposition
- deeptime.markov
- Estimators
- Models
- Analysis tools
- Utilities and alternatives
- function number_of_states
- function count_states
- function compute_connected_sets
- function compute_dtrajs_effective
- function compute_effective_stride
- function indices_by_distribution
- function compute_index_states
- function indices_by_sequence
- function indices_by_state
- class TRAMDataset
- Transition counting
- Special MSM estimators and models
- deeptime.markov.hmm
- deeptime.basis
- deeptime.kernels
- Deterministic datasets
- Stochastic datasets
- function tmatrix_metropolis1d
- function birth_death_chain
- function ornstein_uhlenbeck
- function double_well_2d
- function double_well_discrete
- function triple_well_1d
- function triple_well_2d
- function quadruple_well
- function quadruple_well_asymmetric
- function time_dependent_quintuple_well
- function prinz_potential
- function ellipsoids
- function sqrt_model
- function swissroll_model
- function drunkards_walk
- Custom systems
- Implementations
- deeptime.plots
- deeptime.numeric
- deeptime.util