class DrunkardsWalk

class Tuple[int, int], bar_location: List[Tuple[int, int]], home_location: List[Tuple[int, int]], barriers=None)

This example dataset simulates the steps a drunkard living in a two-dimensional plane takes finding either the bar or the home as two absorbing states.

The drunkard can take steps in a 3x3 stencil with uniform probability (as possible, in the corners the only possibilities are the ones that do not lead out of the grid). The transition matrix \(P\in\mathbb{R}^{nm\times nm}\) possesses one absorbing state for home and bar, respectively, and uniform two-dimensional jump probabilities in between. The grid is of size \(n\times m\) and a point \((i,j)\) is identified with state \(i+nj\) in the transition matrix.

  • grid_size (tuple) – The grid size, must be tuple of length two.

  • bar_location (tuple) – The bar location, must be valid coordinate and tuple of length two.

  • home_location (tuple) – The home location, must be valid coordinate and tuple of length two.

  • barriers (List of tuple of two integers or None, default=None) – Initial barrier locations. Can also be added post-hoc by calling add_barrier().



Yields a MSM which is parameterized with a transition matrix corresponding to this setup.


add_barrier(begin, end[, weight])

Adds a barrier to the grid by assigning probabilities


Transforms a two-dimensional grid point (i, j) to a one-dimensional state.


Validates if a coordinate is within bounds.

plot_2d_map(ax[, barriers, barrier_mode])

Plots the drunkard's map onto an already existing matplotlib axis.

plot_network(ax, F[, cmap, connection_threshold])

Plots a flux network onto a matplotlib axis assuming that the states are ordered according to a iota range (i.e., {0, 1, ..., n_states-1}) on the grid.

plot_path(ax, path[, intermediates, color_lerp])

Plots a path onto a drunkard's walk map.


Inverse operation to coordinate_to_state().

walk(start, n_steps[, stop, return_states, seed])

Simulates a random walk on the grid.

add_barrier(begin: Tuple[int, int], end: Tuple[int, int], weight: Optional[float] = None)

Adds a barrier to the grid by assigning probabilities

\[P_{ij} = \mathbb{P}(X_{n+1} = j\in\mathrm{barriers} : X_n=i\text{ next to barrier}) = 0. \]

The barrier is interpreted as a straight line between begin and end, discretized onto states using Bresenham’s line algorithm [1].

  • begin (tuple of two integers) – Begin coordinate of the barrier.

  • end (tuple of two integers) – End coordinate of the barrier.

  • weight (float or None, default=None) – If not None, the probability of jumping onto the barrier is set to \(1/w\) before row-normalization.


coordinate_to_state(coord: Tuple[int, int]) int

Transforms a two-dimensional grid point (i, j) to a one-dimensional state.


coord ((i, j) tuple) – The grid point.


state – The state corresponding to the grid point.

Return type:


is_valid_coordinate(coord: Tuple[int, int]) bool

Validates if a coordinate is within bounds.


coord ((i, j) tuple) – The coordinate.


is_valid – Whether the coordinate is within bounds.

Return type:


plot_2d_map(ax, barriers: bool = True, barrier_mode: str = 'filled')

Plots the drunkard’s map onto an already existing matplotlib axis. One can select whether to draw barriers and if barriers should be drawn, whether they have a ‘filled’ face or be ‘hollow’ with just the border being colored.

  • ax (matplotlib axis) – The axis.

  • barriers (bool, default=True) – Whether to draw the barriers.

  • barrier_mode (str, default='filled') – How to draw barriers - can be one of ‘filled’ and ‘hollow’.


Handles and labels for a matplotlib legend.

Return type:

handles, labels

plot_network(ax, F, cmap=None, connection_threshold: float = 0.0)

Plots a flux network onto a matplotlib axis assuming that the states are ordered according to a iota range (i.e., {0, 1, …, n_states-1}) on the grid.

  • ax (matplotlib axis) – The axis to plot onto.

  • F ((n_states, n_states) ndarray) – The flux network, assigning to a state tuple F[i,j] a current.

  • cmap (matplotlib colormap, default=None) – A colormap to use for the edges.

  • connection_threshold (float, default=0) – A connection threshold in terms of minimal current to exceed to draw an edge.


edge_colors – List of edge colors.

Return type:


static plot_path(ax, path, intermediates: bool = True, color_lerp: bool = True, **plot_kw)

Plots a path onto a drunkard’s walk map. The path is interpolated with splines and, if desired, has a linearly interpolated color along its path.

  • ax (matplotlib axis) – The axis to plot onto.

  • path ((N, 2) ndarray) – The path in terms of 2-dimensional coordinates.

  • intermediates (bool, default=True) – Whether to scatterplot the states that were visited in the path.

  • color_lerp (bool, default=True) – Whether to perform a linear interpolation along a colormap while the path progresses through the map.

  • plot_kw – Additional args that go into either a ax.plot call (lerp=False) or into a LineCollection(…) call (lerp=True).

state_to_coordinate(state: int) Tuple[int, int]

Inverse operation to coordinate_to_state(). Transforms state to corresponding coordinate (i,j).


state (int) – The state.


coordinate – The corresponding coordinate.

Return type:

(i, j) tuple

walk(start: Tuple[int, int], n_steps: int, stop: bool = True, return_states: bool = False, seed: int = -1)

Simulates a random walk on the grid.

  • start ((i, j) tuple) – Start coordinate on the grid.

  • n_steps (int) – Maximum number of steps to simulate.

  • stop (bool, default=False) – Whether to stop the simulation once home or bar have been reached

  • return_states (bool, default=False) – Whether to return states instead of coordinates. Default is False.

  • seed (int, default=-1) – Random seed.


random_walk – A random walk in coordinate space.

Return type:

(n_steps, 2) ndarray

property msm

Yields a MSM which is parameterized with a transition matrix corresponding to this setup.


msm – The corresponding Markov state model.

Return type:
