Coherent set comparison on Bickley jet¶
First, we set up two methods which allow us to simulate the Bickley jet forward and backward in time.
import numpy as np
from import BickleyJet, bickley_jet
state = np.random.RandomState(seed=123) # global random state
def draw_initial_positions(n):
# draws n initial positions in the system's domain
X = np.vstack((state.uniform(0, 20, (n,)),
state.uniform(-3, 3, (n, ))))
return X.T
def forward_transform(X, h=1e-3):
# simulator with positive time-step
simulator = BickleyJet(h=h, n_steps=int(1. / h / 10))
# returns a trajectory evolving X to t=40
return simulator.trajectory(t0=0, x0=X, length=401)
def back_transform(Y, h=1e-3):
# simulator with negative time-step
simulator = BickleyJet(h=-h, n_steps=int(1. / h / 10))
# returns a trajectory evolving Y to t=0
return simulator.trajectory(t0=40, x0=Y, length=401)
Now we can simulate the Bickley jet using particle configurations.
Xinit_train = draw_initial_positions(3000)
traj_train = forward_transform(Xinit_train)
print("Simulated training data with {} particles for {} "
"timesteps in {} dimensions.".format(*traj_train.shape))
Xinit_test = draw_initial_positions(15000)
traj_test = forward_transform(Xinit_test)
print("Simulated test data with {} particles for {} "
"timesteps in {} dimensions.".format(*traj_test.shape))
Simulated training data with 3000 particles for 401 timesteps in 2 dimensions.
Simulated test data with 15000 particles for 401 timesteps in 2 dimensions.
from IPython.display import HTML
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
ax.set_xlim([0, 20])
ax.set_ylim([-4, 4])
c = traj_train[:, 0, 0] / traj_train[:, 0, 0].max()
handle = ax.scatter(*traj_train[:, 0].T, c=c)
def step(t):
handle.set_offsets(traj_train[:, t])
return [handle]
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(f, step, interval=80, blit=True, repeat=False,
plt.close() # prevent figure from showing in output