class BayesianHMMPosterior

class deeptime.markov.hmm.BayesianHMMPosterior(prior: Optional[HiddenMarkovModel] = None, samples: Optional[List[HiddenMarkovModel]] = ())

Bayesian Hidden Markov model with samples of posterior and prior.


See also




Hidden state trajectories of sampled HMMs.


Lagtime of the models.


The prior model.


The sampled models.


ck_test(models[, include_lag0, err_est, ...])

Performs a Chapman Kolmogorov test.


Makes a deep copy of this model.

evaluate_samples(quantity[, delimiter])

Obtains a quantity (like an attribute or result of a method or a property) from each of the samples.

gather_stats(quantity[, store_samples, ...])

Obtain statistics about a sampled quantity.


Get the parameters.


Set the parameters of this estimator.

submodel([states, obs])

Creates a submodel from this model restricted to a selection of observable and hidden states.

submodel_largest([directed, ...])

Creates a submodel from the largest connected set.

submodel_populous([directed, ...])

Creates a submodel from the most populated connected set.


Relaxation timescales corresponding to the eigenvalues.

ck_test(models, include_lag0=True, err_est=False, progress=None, **kw)

Performs a Chapman Kolmogorov test. See MarkovStateModel.ck_test for more details

copy() Model

Makes a deep copy of this model.


A new copy of this model.

Return type:


evaluate_samples(quantity, delimiter='/', *args, **kwargs)

Obtains a quantity (like an attribute or result of a method or a property) from each of the samples. Returns as list.

  • quantity (str) – The quantity. Can be also deeper in the instance hierarchy, indicated by the delimiter.

  • delimiter (str, default='/') – The delimiter.

  • *args – Arguments passed to the evaluation point of the quantity.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the evaluation point of the quantity.


result – A list of the quantity evaluated on each of the samples. If can be converted to float ndarray then ndarray.

Return type:

list of any or ndarray

gather_stats(quantity, store_samples=False, delimiter='/', confidence=0.95, *args, **kwargs)

Obtain statistics about a sampled quantity. Can also be a chained call, separated by the delimiter.

  • quantity (str) – name of attribute, which will be evaluated on samples

  • store_samples (bool, optional, default=False) – whether to store the samples (array).

  • delimiter (str, optional, default='/') – separator to call members of members

  • confidence (float, optional, default=0.95) – Size of the confidence intervals.

  • *args – pass-through

  • **kwargs – pass-through


statistics – The statistics

Return type:



Get the parameters.


params – Parameter names mapped to their values.

Return type:

mapping of string to any


Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as pipelines). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


**params (dict) – Estimator parameters.


self – Estimator instance.

Return type:


submodel(states=None, obs=None)

Creates a submodel from this model restricted to a selection of observable and hidden states.

  • states (ndarray or None, optional, default=None) – The hidden states to restrict to. If None there is no restriction.

  • obs (ndarray or None, optional, default=None) – The observable states to restrict to. If None there is no restriction. Only makes sense with DiscreteOutputModel.


submodel – The submodel.

Return type:


submodel_largest(directed=True, connectivity_threshold='1/n', observe_nonempty=True, dtrajs=None)

Creates a submodel from the largest connected set.

  • directed (bool, optional, default=True) – Whether the connectivity graph on the count matrix is interpreted as directed.

  • connectivity_threshold (float or '1/n', optional, default='1/n'.) – Connectivity threshold. counts that are below the specified value are disregarded when finding connected sets. In case of ‘1/n’, the threshold gets resolved to \(1 / n\_states\_full\).

  • observe_nonempty (bool, optional, default=True) – Whether to restrict to observable states which are observed in provided dtrajs. If True, dtrajs must not be None.

  • dtrajs (array_like or list of array_like, optional, default=None) – Time series on which is evaluated whether observable states in the model were actually observed.


submodel – The submodel.

Return type:


submodel_populous(directed=True, connectivity_threshold='1/n', observe_nonempty=True, dtrajs=None)

Creates a submodel from the most populated connected set.

  • directed (bool, optional, default=True) – Whether the connectivity graph on the count matrix is interpreted as directed.

  • connectivity_threshold (float or '1/n', optional, default='1/n'.) – Connectivity threshold. counts that are below the specified value are disregarded when finding connected sets. In case of ‘1/n’, the threshold gets resolved to \(1 / n\_states\_full\).

  • observe_nonempty (bool, optional, default=True) – Whether to restrict to observable states which are observed in provided dtrajs. If True, dtrajs must not be None.

  • dtrajs (array_like or list of array_like, optional, default=None) – Time series on which is evaluated whether observable states in the model were actually observed and which states were the most populated.


submodel – The submodel.

Return type:



Relaxation timescales corresponding to the eigenvalues.


k (int, optional, default=None) – The number of timescales (excluding the stationary process).


timescales – Timescales of the prior and timescales of the samples.

Return type:

tuple(iterable, iterable)

property hidden_state_trajectories_samples

Hidden state trajectories of sampled HMMs. Available if the estimator was configured to save them, see BayesianHMM.store_hidden.

property lagtime

Lagtime of the models.

property prior: HiddenMarkovModel

The prior model.

property samples: Optional[List[HiddenMarkovModel]]

The sampled models.