function confidence_interval

deeptime.util.confidence_interval(data, conf=0.95, remove_nans=False)

Computes element-wise confidence intervals from a sample of ndarrays

Given a sample of arbitrarily shaped ndarrays, computes element-wise confidence intervals

  • data (array-like of dimension 1 and 2) – array of numbers or arrays. The first index is used as the sample index, the remaining indexes are specific to the array of interest

  • conf (float, optional, default = 0.95) – confidence interval

  • remove_nans (bool, optional, default=False) – The default leads to a np.nan result if there are any nan values in data. If set to True, the np.nan values are ignored.


  • lower (ndarray(shape)) – element-wise lower bounds

  • upper (ndarray(shape)) – element-wise upper bounds